Meridian Route 7

Meridian Route 7


Tours Meridian Route 7

Tourism in Pamplona - Navarra

If you are passionate about traveling and discovering new places and history, let yourself be carried away by the Magic and Charm of Tierras Navarras. One of the most visited provinces and of great national and international tourist interest, for its famous “San Fermin” Patrón Saint of the Pamplona festivales . 

old town

It is the historic neighborhood of the City of Pamplona, capital of the Foral Community of Navarra (Spain) . It is located in the heart of the City in the highest portion of the plateau and there are the main monuments of the City.

Pamplona City Council

Pamplona City Council

Parks of Pamplona

The parks of Pamplona, the so-called 'Belle Époque Parks', in addition to being natural heritage, fall into the category of cultural heritage.

Taconera Park

Taconera Park

The Taconera

A space located in the center of Pamplona that follows the layout of the wall canvases with sculptures and relevant monuments by authors such as Oteiza, Aizkorbe, Eslava.

La Ciudadela Park

La Ciudadela Park

The Citadel

The Citadel, whose interior and exterior meadows ( Vuelta del Castillo ) are linked to the structure of a 'modern castle', a bastioned pentagon that configures the ' Fortress City ' stage. Its buildings, within the framework of the Hiriartea Contemporary Culture Center, maintain that park as the largest art exhibition area in Pamplona.

Yamaguchi Park

Yamaguchi Park


The Yamaguchi park, the result of a gift from the Japanese city twinned with Pamplona or the innovative and scientific nature of the most recent: the Galaxy Garden in the vicinity of the city's Planetarium, a space that has the virtuality of host an interactive interpretive game through mobile devices.

Medieval Towns

Olite Castle

Olite Castle

Olite, a small town located about 40 minutes by car from the center of Pamplona. Olite is famous for its impressive medieval castle, which is located in the heart of the town. It was built in the 13th century and renovated in the Renaissance.



Ujué, which is located about 50 minutes from the city by car. Ujué is a town of medieval origin, located on the top of a hill and surrounded by walls that give it an air of a fortress. If you like religious architecture, you cannot miss the church-fortress of Santa María, which is an authentic jewel of the Romanesque style.

Queen's Bridge

Queen's Bridge

Puente la Reina comes from the Romanesque bridge over the Arga River, which was ordered to be built in the 11th century by an anonymous queen of Navarra . It is generally referred to that this queen was Muniadona of Castile, wife of Sancho the Greater.

Gastronomy - Navarra

Navarra cuisine is one of the best in Spain, with typical dishes such as beef steak, Chistorra, considered the best in Spain. We must also mention the famous Idiazábal cheese, an artisan sheep's milk cheese, and Navarra wine. .One of the best wines in the country.



Idiazabal Cheese

Idiazabal Cheese